The UP Board has released the syllabus for Class 11 on its official website. The Class 11th economics syllabus for the academic session 2023-24 for the website..
CA Wizard provides you with the complete syllabus details in this post. We have mentioned the topics coming in the UP Board Class 11 Economics Syllabus 2023-24. The deleted topics or chapters are marked as well. As the marking scheme is also changed, you can get the new marking scheme in this post too. The syllabus and marking scheme are available separately for English and Hindi medium candidates.
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Marking Scheme as per UP Board Class 11 Economics Syllabus 2023-24 (in English)
Unit No. | Title | Marks |
Part A Statistics: Statistics for Economics | ||
1 | Introduction | 10 |
2 | Collection, Organisation, and Presentation of data | 25 |
3 | Statistical Tools and Interpretation | 15 |
Part B Indian Economic Development | ||
6 | Development experience (1947-90) and economic reforms since 1991 | 17 |
7 | Current Challenges facing Indian economy | 25 |
8 | Development Experience of India | 08 |
UP Board Class 11 Economics Syllabus 2023-24 in English
Part A Statistics: Statistics for Economics
Unit 1- Introduction
- What is economics
- Meaning, Scope, function, and importance of Statistics in Economics.
Unit 2- Collection, Organisation, and Presentation of data
- Collection of Data- Sources of data, primary and secondary data, how basic data is collected, the concept of Sampling, Sampling, and non-sampling errors, methods of collecting data, some important sources of secondary data, Census of India and National Sample Survey organization.
- Organization of data – meaning and types of variables, frequency distribution.
- Presentation of Data- Tabular Presentation and Diagrammatic Presentation of data:
- Geometric forms (bar diagrams and pie diagrams)
- Frequency diagram (histogram, polygon, and Ogive) and
- Arithmetic line graphs (time series graph)
Unit 3- Statistical Tools and Interpretation
Statistical tools and interpretation Measures of Central tendency-Arithmetic mean, median, and mode.
Unit- 4 Correlation
The complete chapter is deleted.
Unit- 5 Index
The complete chapter is deleted.
Part B Indian Economic Development
Unit 6- Development experience (1947-90) and economic reforms since 1991
- A brief introduction of the state of the Indian economy on the eve of Independence. Common goals of five-year plans.
- Main features problems and policies of agriculture(institutional aspects and new agricultural strategy), industry (Indian licensing), and foreign trade. Economic reforms since 1991: Features and appraisals of liberalization, globalization, and privatization.
Unit 7- Current Challenges facing the Indian economy
- Poverty: absolute and relative, main programs for poverty alleviation- a critical assessment.
- Rural development: key issues – credit and marketing- the role of cooperatives; agricultural diversification.
- Human capital formation: how people become resource; Role of human capital in economic development.
- Employment: growth and change in workforce participation rate informal and informal sector; problems and policies.
- Infrastructure: meaning and types; case studies; problems and policies – A critical assessment.
- Sustainable economic development: Meaning, Effects of Economic Development on Resources and Environment, including global warming.
Deleted Topics:
- Alternative farming-Organic Farming
- Growth of Education Sector in India
- Infrastructure-Energy and Health
Unit 8- Development Experience of India
- A comparison with neighboring countries
- India and Pakistan 3- India and China
Marking Scheme as per UP Board Class 11 Economics Syllabus 2023-24 (in Hindi)
इकाई | शीर्षक | पूर्णांक |
खंड क: सांख्यिकी- अर्थशास्त्र के संदर्भ में | ||
1 | परिचय | 10 |
2 | आंकड़ों का संग्रहण, व्यवस्थीकरण एवं उनका प्रस्तुतिकरण | 25 |
3 | सांख्यिकीय उपकरण एवं उनका अर्थ | 15 |
खंड ख: भारत का आर्थिक विकास | ||
6 | विकास के अनुभव (1947-1990) एवं 1991 से प्रारम्भ हुए आर्थिक सुधार | 17 |
7 | भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के समक्ष वर्तमान चुनौतियाँ | 25 |
8 | भारत का अपना विकास का अनुभव-पड़ोसी देशों से तुलना | 08 |
योग | 100 |
UP Board Class 11 Economics Syllabus 2023-24 in Hindi

UP Board Class 11 Economics paper: Preparation Tips
Firstly you should check out the latest syllabus given above. As the UP Board has reduced the syllabus, you must be aware of the topics removed from the syllabus. So you do not waste time studying them.
The Economics paper of UP Board Class 11 is divided into two parts, both of 50 marks each. As two chapters are removed from part 1, the marking scheme is also changed. So you should now focus on chapters that have high marking weightage.
You should also solve sample papers and practice different types of questions. The statistics part will have a mathematical type of question, so learn all the formulae. Also, learn the definitions of important terms. Mark the difficult questions, practice them again and see their solutions during revision time. The second part is of complete theory, so understand the topics for quick learning.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. How much UP Board Class 11 Economics Syllabus has been reduced?
Ans. Around 30% syllabus is removed from the Economics Syllabus of UP Board Class 11 for 2023-24.
Q2. Which book is best for UP Board Class 11 Economics?
Ans. The UP Books prescribe NCERT books for Economics subject in Class 11th.
Q3. Which topics are removed from the UP Board Class 11 Economics Syllabus?
Ans. Chapters 4 and 5 are completely removed in Part A, while some portion of chapter 7 is removed in Part B in the economics syllabus.
Q4. How to download the latest Economics Syllabus of class 11 UP Board?
Ans. Visit CA Wizard to download the UP Board Class 11 Syllabus for Economics subject.