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Latest CBSE Class 11th Marking Scheme (2023-24)

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Are you looking for the CBSE Marking Scheme for Class XI subjects? You are visiting the right page then. Here on CA Wizard, you will get the latest CBSE Class 11th Marking Scheme for 2023-24 exams.

CA Wizard is a free online portal for 11th and 12th class students, students interested in the CA course, or currently pursuing it. We bring the latest announcements important to you. We share free resources like syllabus, exam pattern, question papers, sample papers, date sheets, and more. You can also check our informative study tips and plans to make your studies systematic and stress-free.

We also recommend you to join the 11th commerce classes.

CBSE Class 11th Marking Scheme

CBSE gives a marking scheme for all the subjects. You must go through it to plan your studies and cover the entire CBSE Class 11th Syllabus on time.

You can use the marking scheme given by CBSE to make your study schedule, decide, and complete important topics in the beginning. You’ll know which topics have less marks weightage and need less time to study. Learning the sections and topics with high marks weightage gives you a chance to score high marks.

The CBSE Class 11th Marking Scheme is the same for all the CBSE students. However, this year, the CBSE Class 11th syllabus is reduced so that the question paper design will vary from the previous years. You can see the revised syllabus from the link given above.

Below we share the detailed marking scheme for the main subjects of Commerce, Science, and Arts Stream.

CBSE Class 11 English Core Marking Scheme



Total marks

Reading Skills 

Conceptual understanding, decoding,Analyzing, inferring, interpreting, appreciating, literary, conventions and vocabulary, summarizing and usingappropriate format/s. 


Creative Writing Sills 

Conceptual Understanding, application ofrules, Analysis, Reasoning, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency,  inference, analysis, evaluation and creativity. 


Literature Text Books and  Supplementary Reading  Texts

Recalling, reasoning, appreciating literary convention, inference, analysis, creativity with  fluency, Critical Thinking. 






Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills



Internal Assessment 



Project Work





CBSE Class 11 English Elective Marking Scheme



Total marks 



Conceptual understanding, decoding, analyzing, inferring, interpreting, 

appreciating, literary, conventions and vocabulary



Creative Writing 

Reasoning, appropriacy of style and tone, use of appropriate format and fluency



Literature Texts 

Recalling, reasoning, appreciating 

literary conventions illustrating with relevant quotations from the texts, giving opinions and justifying with fluency




Recalling, reasoning, appreciating 

literary conventions, illustrating with relevant quotations from the texts, giving opinions and justifying with fluency




Recalling, reasoning, appreciating 

literary conventions, illustrating with relevant quotations from the texts, giving opinions and justifying with fluency








Seeking information and clarifying, illustrating with relevant quotations from the texts, reasoning, diction, articulation clarity of pronunciation, using appropriate language 


Addressing participants using appropriate  titles or nomenclatures andoverall fluency



Grand Total 



CBSE Class 11 Hindi Core Marking Scheme

खिंड अ (वस्तुपरक प्रश्न)



अपहठत गद्यािंि 




एक अपहठत गद्याींि (अहधकतम 300 िब्दोींका) (1 अींक x 10 प्रश्) 



दो अपहठत पद्याींिोीं में से कोई एक पद्याींि (अहधकतम 150 िब्दोीं का) (1 अींक x 5 प्रश्) 


पाठ्यपुस्तक अहभव्यक्ति और माध्यम की इकाई एक सेपाठ सिंख्या 1 तथा 2 पर आधाररत 



बहुहवकल्पात्मक प्रश् (1 अींक x 5 प्रश्) 


पाठ्यपुस्तक आरो भाग – 1 से बहुहवकल्पात्मक प्रश्न 




पहठत काव्याींि पर पााँच बहुहवकल्पी प्रश् (1 अींक x 05 प्रश्) 



पहठत गद्याींि पर पााँच बहुहवकल्पी प्रश् (1 अींक x 05 प्रश्) 


पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक हवतान भाग-1 से बहुहवकल्पात्मक प्रश्न 




पहठत पाठोीं पर दस बहुहवकल्पी प्रश् (1 अींक x 10 प्रश्) 


खिंड – ब (वणयनात्मक प्रश्न)



पाठ्यपुस्तक अहभव्यक्ति और माध्यम सेसृजनात्मक लेखन और व्याव ाररक लेखन पाठ सिंख्या 1, 2, 9, 10, 14, 15 तथा 16 पर आधाररत


हदए गए चार अप्रिाहित हवषयोीं में से हकसी एक हवषय पर लगभग 120 िब्दोीं में  रचनात्मक लेिन (6 अींक x 1 प्रश्)


औपचाररक पत् लेिन। (5 अींक x 1 प्रश्) (हवकल्प सह त) 


र्ायरी लेिन, कर्था – पिकर्था हवषयोींपर लेिन पर आधाररत दो प्रश् (3 अींक x 2 प्रश्) (हवकल्प  सह त) (लगभग 60 िब्दोीं में)



स्ववृत्त लेिन और रोजगार सींबींधी आवेदन पत् तर्था िब्दकोि, सींदभिग्रींर्थोीं की उपयोगी हवहध और पररचय पर आधाररत तीन मेंसेदो प्रश् (2 अींक x 2 प्रश्) (हवकल्प सह त) (लगभग 40 िब्दोीं  में)


पाठ्यपुस्तक आरो भाग – 1 


काव्य िींर् पर आधाररत तीन प्रश्ोीं में से हकन्हीीं दो प्रश्ोीं के उत्तर (लगभग 60 िब्दोीं में) (3 अींक  x 2 प्रश्)


काव्य िींर् पर आधाररत तीन प्रश्ोीं में से हकन्हीीं दो प्रश्ोीं के उत्तर (लगभग 40 िब्दोीं में) (2 अींक  x 2 प्रश्)


गद्य िींर् पर आधाररत तीन प्रश्ोीं में से हकन्हीीं दो प्रश्ोीं के उत्तर (लगभग 60 िब्दोीं में) (3 अींक x  2 प्रश्)


गद्य िींर् पर आधाररत तीन प्रश्ोीं में से हकन्हीीं दो प्रश्ोीं के उत्तर (लगभग 40 िब्दोीं में) (2 अींक x  2 प्रश्)


(अ) श्रवण तथा वाचन 


(ब) पररयोजना कायय 


कु ल अिंक 


CBSE Class 11 Hindi Elective Marking Scheme

UnitsChapters wiseMarks
अपठित अंशChapter 1(10 marks) Chapter 2(8 marks)18
कार्यालयी हिंदी और रचनात्मक लेखनChapter 3(4 marks) Chapter 4(4 marks) Chapter 4(5 marks) Chapter 4(5 marks) Chapter 7(4 marks)22
  1. अंतरा भाग-1
  2. अंतराल भाग -2
काव्य भाग-:15 marks Chapter 8(4 marks) Chapter 9(5 marks) Chapter 10(6marks) गद्य भाग:- 15 marks Chapter 11(4 marks) Chapter 12(7 marks) Chapter 13(4marks) Chapter 14 (10 marks)40
श्रवण तथा वाचन परियोजना – 10 10
Total marks 100 marks

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Marking Scheme

UnitsChapters wiseMarks
Unit-1: Theoretical FrameworkChapter 1-212
Unit-2: Accounting ProcessChapter 3-740
Unit-3: Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship from Complete and Incomplete RecordsChapter 9-1120
Unit-4: Computers in AccountingChapter 12-1508
Project workFor all chapters20
Total marks 100 marks

Typology of questions in Accountancy 2023-24 Paper

  • Remembering and Understanding (44 marks)
  • Applying (19 marks)
  • Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating (17 marks)

CBSE Class 11 Economics Marking Scheme

UnitsChapters wiseMarks
Part A: Statistics for EconomicsUnit 1: Introduction Unit 2: Collection, Organisation and Presentation of data13
Unit 3: Statistical Tools and Interpretation27
Part B: Introductory MicroeconomicsUnit 4: Introduction4
 Unit 5:Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand13
 Unit 6: Producer Behaviour and Supply13
 Unit 7: Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect competition with simple applications10
Project workFor all chapters20
Total marks 100 marks

Typology of questions in Economics 2023-24 Paper

  • Remembering and Understanding (44 marks)
  • Applying (18 marks)
  • Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating (18 marks)

CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Marking Scheme

UnitsChapters wiseMarks
Part A: Foundation of BusinessChapter 1-2 (16 marks) Chapter 3-4 (14 marks) Chapter 5-6 (10 marks)40
Part B: Finance and TradeChapter 7-8 (20 marks) Chapter 9-10 (20 marks)40
Project workFor all chapters20
Total marks 100 marks

Typology of questions in Business Studies 2023-24 Paper

  • Remembering and Understanding (44 marks)
  • Applying (19 marks)
  • Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating (17 marks)

CBSE Class 11 Entrepreneurship Marking Scheme


Chapters wiseMarks
1 Entrepreneurship: Concept and Functions 2 An Entrepreneur15
3 Entrepreneurial Journey 4 Entrepreneurship as Innovation and problem solving20
5 Understanding the Market15
6 Business Finance and Arithmetic 7 Resource Mobilization20
Project work30
Total100 marks
Typology of questions in Entrepreneurship 2023-24 Paper
  • Remembering and Understanding (44 marks)
  • Applying (19 marks)
  • Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating (17 marks)

CBSE Class 11 Maths Marking Scheme

Unit-I: Sets and Functions23
Unit-II: Algebra30
Unit-III: Coordinate Geometry10
Unit-IV: Calculus07
Unit-V: Statistics and Probability10
Internal Assessment20
Total marks100 marks
There is no CBSE Class 11 Maths Marking Scheme chapter wise given. However, the typology of questions in Maths 2023-24 Paper is given below:
  • Remembering and Understanding (44 marks)
  • Applying (20 marks)
  • Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating (16 marks)

CBSE Class 11 Applied Maths Marking Scheme

I. Numbers, Quantification and Numerical Applications09
II. Algebra10
III. Mathematical Reasoning06
IV. Calculus10
V. Probability10
VI. Descriptive Statistics12
VII Basics of Financial Mathematics18
VIII Coordinate Geometry05
Internal assessment20
Total marks100 marks

CBSE Class 11 Physics Marking Scheme

UnitsChapters wiseMarks
Unit–I Physical World and Measurement Unit-II Kinematics Unit–III Laws of MotionChapter 1-523
Unit–IV Work, Energy and Power Unit–V Motion of a System of Particles and Rigid Body Unit-VI GravitationChapter 6 -817
Unit–VII Properties of Bulk Matter Unit–VIII Thermodynamics Unit–IX Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of GasesChapter 9-1320
Unit–X Oscillations and WavesChapter 14-1510
Practicals and project workFor all chapters30
Total marks 100 marks

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Marking Scheme

Unit I Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Unit II Structure of Atom11
Unit III Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties04
Unit IV Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Unit V States of Matter: Gases and Liquids Unit VI Chemical Thermodynamics Unit VII Equilibrium21
Unit VIII Redox Reactions Unit IX Hydrogen Unit X s-Block Elements Unit XI Some p -Block Elements16
Unit XII Organic Chemistry: Some basic Principles and Techniques Unit XIII Hydrocarbons18
Project work30
Total marks100

CBSE Class 11 Biology Marking Scheme

I Diversity of Living OrganismsChapter 1-415
II Structural Organization in Plants and AnimalsChapter 5 Chapter 78
III Cell: Structure and FunctionChapter 8-1015
IV Plant PhysiologyChapter 13-1515
V Human PhysiologyChapter 17-2217
Project workChapter 1-430
Total marks 100 marks

CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Marking Scheme

Computer Systems and Organisation10
Computational Thinking and Programming – 145
Society, Law and Ethics15
Total marks70 marks


Lab Test12
Report File + Viva10

CBSE Class 11 Geography Marking Scheme

Part A Fundamentals of Physical Geography35
Part B India: Physical Environment35
Part C Practical work in Part 130
Total Marks100

CBSE Class 11 Political Science Marking Scheme

Part A Indian Constitution at WorkConstitution13
Election and Representation The Legislature12
The Executive The Judiciary12
Local Governments3
Part B Political TheoryPolitical Theory: Introduction4
Liberty Equality15
Justice Rights15
Project work 20
Total marks 100 marks

CBSE Class 11 History Marking Scheme

PartChapter wiseMarks
Section A Early SocietiesChapter 2 (chapter 1 is deleted for 2021)8
Section B EmpriesChapter 3-4 (chapter 5 is deleted for 2021)20
Section C Changing TraditionsChapter 6-7 (chapter 8 is deleted for 2021)20
Section D Paths to ModernizationChapter 9-1128
Map WorkAll chapters4
Project WorkFor all chapters20
Total Marks 100

CBSE Class 11 Sociology Marking Scheme

UnitChapter wiseMarks
A Introducing Sociology1. Sociology, Society and its relationship with other Social Science disciplines- 10 marks 2. Terms, concepts and their use in Sociology- 10 marks 3. Understanding Social Institutions- 12 marks 4. Culture and Socialization- 12 marks44
B Understanding Society7. Social Change and Social order in Rural and Urban Society- 12 marks 9. Introducing Western Sociologists-12 marks 10. Indian Sociologists- 12 marks36
Project workFor all chapters20
Total marks 100 marks
Important Points
  • Refer to the CBSE Class 11th marking scheme to understand the paper pattern.
  • Instructions will be available on the question papers regarding word limits, so follow them.
  • Leave the deleted chapters if you haven’t already studied them.
  • Do practicals properly. Good marks in practicals can improve your grades.
  • The written exams are of 3 hours, so invest your time wisely in each question.
  • Many subjects will need you to make diagrams, tables or charts. Practice and make them as clear as you can in your answer sheets.

We wish you good luck with your CBSE Class 11th Exams!

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