Category: CA IPCC

Result of CA Intermediate and IPCC Has Been Declared

The Result of CA Intermediate and IPCC will Be Declared

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has declared the Much-awaited CA Intermediate result and CA IPCC result on 19th September 2021(evening)/Monday, 20th September 2021 and now students are able to check their result through any one of the ICAI

CA Articleship Rules and Regulations for Students

CA Articleship Rules and Regulations for Students

Pursuing Chartered Accountancy is not as easy as Here, students beside clearing the CA Foundation/CPT, CA Intermediate/IPCC, and CA Final also need to undergo three years of articleship training which is a mandatory part of CA Curriculum and today,

CA Firm for Articleship

How to Choose CA Firm for Articleship

Articleship Training has been referred to as a Golden Period in CA Student’s life and today we are going to tell you HOw to choose a CA firm for Articleship.  During the articleship period, the life of a CA student

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